360º TOURS


A 360º VR golf tour is a series of still images shot from from a drone. An entire tour can be captured in a single day with no disruption to your guests. The photos are then processed into a web based player that can include buttons, graphics, pop-up information, music, sound effects, videos, maps, and web links. Most important is a link to your booking engine.


Numerous marketing studies show that Get Z and the Millennials make up the largest customer base with the most disposable income but traditional marketing is falling behind in attracting them. They desire and expect experienced-based marketing they can interact with before making a purchasing decision. A 360º VR tour is the perfect solution because the viewer can control what they see, share it with others, and use it to make a purchase decision without visiting your website.



  • Shoot and process 18 images at high altitude above each hole at the tee box. Each hole will have a graphic indicating hole number, course branding, par, distance, tee locations, and yard markers.

  • Shoot and process images of (3) amenities of your choice (Pro Shop, Clubhouse, Driving Range, etc.)

  • Create a web based HTML5 tour that includes a booking link, Google Map location, menu structure for each hole, menu for each amenity, and link to your main website. The tour will also play on pad devices and mobile phones.

  • Upload the 360º images to Google Street View where they will be linked to your business on Google Maps. Each image will have an additional graphic that directs viewers to the full player.

  • Assist your marketing team in adding the web-based player to your course website.

  • Report to you on the total number of views from Google Maps.


  • Shoot and process 18 images at high altitude above each hole at the tee box and up to 4 additional images for each hole at low altitude over the tee box, fairway, approach, and green locations. Each hole will have a graphic indicating hole number, location, course branding, tee locations, and yard markers.

  • Shoot and process images of (6) amenities of your choice (Pro Shop, Clubhouse, Driving Range, etc.)

  • Create a web based HTML5 tour that includes a booking link, Google Map location, menu structure for each hole, menu for each amenity, and link to your main website. The tour will also play on pad devices and mobile phones.

  • Upload the 360º images for each hole to Google Street View where they will be linked to your business on Google Maps. The images for each hole will be linked together in a continuous path using the Google Street View format. Each image will have an additional graphic that directs viewers to the full player.

  • Assist your marketing team in adding the web based player to your course website.

  • Report to you on the total number of views from Google Maps.

Media Options

  • Additional 360º images

  • 360º Video

Player Options

  • Player Menu Customization

  • Music, narration, and spatial sound effects

  • Pop up graphics - additional text information about each hole or amenity

  • Still image hot spots - additional images for each hole or amenity

  • Still image slideshows

  • Video pop-ups

  • Pinned video in images - moving TV screens or other motion

  • “See-Inside” technology - ability to open and close objects

  • Virtual Reality Headset compatibility - view full immersion tour on Oculus or other devices

  • Off-line download and playback without Internet

  • Individual hole tours - each hole can have its own media player

  • Full yard book graphics - extensive graphic overlay of hazard distances and slopes for each hole

Please publish modules in offcanvas position.